Covid 19 Precautions and Procedures
WorksafeBC Guidelines
Personnel and
1. Drivers or
passengers displaying or reporting symptoms will not be allowed in vehicle and
are to go home and self-isolate/get tested.
2. Driver will always wear a mask
when around people or inside buildings with other people. Rubber gloves are
optional but will be available for drivers. Masks are mandatory for driver
& passengers while in vehicles.
3. Mask may be removed when
outdoors and social distancing of at least 2 m can be maintained.
4. Frequent handwashing or
sanitizing recommended.
5. Passengers’ masks must be
on and hands sanitized prior to entering the vehicle.
1. Clear plastic
barriers are installed on all seat backs to reduce eliminate exhaled air
movement between seat rows.
2. Air system in vehicle will
be on with air being pushed thru vents (not defrost or to floor) at front directing
airflow to rear of vehicle.
3. Front and rear windows will
be cracked to promote cabin air turn over and flow from front to rear and out.
4. Hand sanitizer and wipes
will be available in vehicle.
5. High touch areas will be
regularly wiped down.
6. Once passengers have exited
and before next group boards, the vehicle will be completely cleaned and disinfected.
7. Maximum seating capacity of 14 plus driver will be reduced to 9 plus driver for short runs and open seats are those indicated in the following seat plan. The seats to remain empty will be marked indicating same and seat belts will be buckled. Tour groups: Minimum 4 pp Maximum 6 pp.