Tom Fazio is among the top two of three modern golf course architects and Primm Valley GC, just 30 minutes west of the Strip boasts two of his designs. Both courses have earned 4.5 star ratings from Golf Digest and both are car traffic and housing free. Countless palm and pine trees line both courses along with colourful seas of desert flowers and local vegetation. The Desert Course is rated slighly above it's sister course for toughness with tighter fairways and larger waste areas. The second hole is a 435-yard par-4 that circles left around a lake. The water runs all the way to the green and the greenside bailout right includes 2 large trees leaving no choice on the approach but to play directly over the lake. The 222-yard, par-3 ninth hole plays downhill to a two-tiered green guarded left by a lone bunker and a waterfall.